
  • Renato Carvalho

    Mr. Carvalho is Laplace’s founder, and he is also currently Chairman of the Board of Via Varejo, Progen, and TMA, and Vice-Chairman of Terra Santa. Before Laplace, he was a founding partner of Angra Partners and worked at Accenture, Lehman Brothers in New York, and in the Corporate Finance Division of Monitor Clipper Partners in Boston.
    He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering from the University of São Paulo’s Polytechnic School and an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Mr. Carvalho is also a former Corporate Finance Professor at the Insper Instituição de Ensino e Pesquisa in São Paulo.

  • Guilherme Justi

    Mr. Justi is a member of the FIDC Fitzroy Investment Committee.
    Before joining Laplace, he served as an executive at BTG Pactual in Investment Banking, Credit Structuring and Securitization and Private Equity, covering sectors such as infrastructure, telecommunications, energy, and sanitation. Before that, he worked in corporate banking at BNP Paribas.
    He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo.

  • Marina Arantes

    Before joining Laplace, Ms. Arantes worked at Pátria Investimentos, McKinsey & Company, and Cervejaria Ambev.
    She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of São Paulo’s Polytechnic School.

  • Stephan Mancini, CFA®

    Prior to joining Laplace, Mr. Mancini worked at Crédit Agricole, where he served as a Corporate Banking Executive and as an Investment Banking Executive. He also worked in Corporate Advisory at UBS and as Senior Advisor at American M&A boutique Fredericks Michael & Co., where he was responsible for originating and executing transactions in Brazil.
    He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from HEC Paris and is a CFA® Charterholder.

  • Ivan Sayed

    Prior to Laplace, Mr. Sayed worked at Kapitalo Investimentos.
    He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from São Paulo State University.

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